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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The spiritual danger of having an affair with a married man as a woman

Please take note this is not an attack on women. I am fully aware that it takes two to tango. 

Men who have affairs are to blame equally if not more, as the females who date married men knowing their status.

 However, in this article, I address the spiritual danger involved for women who have dated married men and it also applies to those who are still dating married men.

 I will in the future tackle the spiritual dangers of married men who defile their marriage through affairs.  Check out my number one recommendation on how to find your purpose and become financially free here.

So, for whatever reason you dated a married man, he swept you off your feet and he was the best lover you ever had.

 But now the relationship has ended, and you find yourself depressed and unable to function. In fact, you want to get back together with him because since things ended between the two of you, your life is a mess.

 And you still have dreams about him so this must be a sign that you belong together, so you believe.  

For the longest time you were his love, his sweetheart, his soul mate his comforter, the one he swore he would never hurt or leave.

 He told you he loved you because you were so different from his wife. Yet every day he went home to her and you were comforted by a “good night my love” ” good morning my queen“ text from him. 

The fact that he was married did not bother you much because he did everything for you, he supported you financially, emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. 

After all, it was not your fault that his wife could not keep her man in check.  

And you really had no intention of breaking up their family, but you just wanted to keep the man you have fallen so deeply in love with. 

Surely you are different from those side chicks who practice witchcraft to destroy marriages or those who go and make their relationship public just so the wife can know that you are sharing him. 

You were a good girl.  Right??

A union sealed by God and the ancestors is not easily broken.

Well, the truth is regardless of your intentions you are no different.

 The fact is you defiled yourself by dating a married man.

When a man and a woman get married and they bring together their ancestors to seal and bless the marriage, that marriage is protected by a force much bigger than your love or witch doctors. 

 The marriage is ordained by God and guarded closely by those we walk within the spirit. Sex is not just an activity for pleasure. Sex is the joining of two souls and their energies. 

So, when an unwanted third party comes and enters this space, the ancestors do what they know best. And that is to protect the union they blessed.

 Therefore, it is important for a man to get consent from his wife if he wants to bring a second wife into the marriage, in the case of a polygamous marriage.

 What we are seeing today is a joke.

 Men dating and having countless love affairs outside of marriage only to justify them by saying they do it because they were raised in a polygamous family is an insult to women and to the true purpose/function of polygamy. 

But that is a discussion for another day!

 Side chicks are not recognized by the ancestors of that union/marriage.

 Unless if the wife is the one who brought the two together and certain rituals would have been performed.  Some women don’t like noise. They are prayer warriors.

 They can sense and some acknowledge the fact that a third party has entered their marriage.

 You might have been comfortably thinking she does not know about me, and I was helping them keep the spark in their marriage alive in secret but trust me she knew about you but would never confront you or her husband.

 Instead, she fasted for her marriage went on her knees with tears flowing down her face, and spoke. “God and my ancestors, I was blessed and given this marriage by you, and now it is slipping away. I ask you to restore what is mine and protect my husband and bring him home back to me. Amen”.

 And believe me, it shall be done.

Therefore, you will find n most cases men getting away with their cheating ways, yes, their wives pray for their protection from their ancestors.

 And for them to return home fully. And in cases where You might say it’s not fair, why are the man not punished. Remember their wives ask for their protection.

 And it’s not that they don’t get warned of the ill behavior they do. 

Therefore, you find men losing their jobs or having several car accidents, and when they go consult, or they get a dream from their ancestors, they will be told the cause of all the mishaps is the result of your love affair, and they will then end things with you without any explanation.

 For those men who do not listen when their ancestor’s warnings, they too will get a well-deserved whiplash. 

We have all seen men who had everything and lose it all as soon as they leave the marriage, or they get mistreated/ killed by their outside lovers. 

We have seen men become drunkards suddenly, or they become abusive towards the women they date outside of their marriage and suffer from depression.

Being infected with a Spiritually Transmitted Disease through sexual intercourse (STD) 

This may sound taboo but it's real and it happens. Many women suffer from this and are not aware it was brought on by dating a married man and having unprotected sex with them. 

Negative energies have been left inside your womb. And if the man you dated had numerous partners besides you then know all those women’s energies get dumped inside your womb, including the anger of the ancestors. 

How STD affects you.

You tend to get server cramps/sharp pains in the womb.

You experience multiple miscarriage’s/give births to babies that are stillborn.

If you can carry the baby to full term the child gets sick on a regular basis.

STD can manifest into illness and disease, so you will be sick a lot.

You start to experience financial blockages and you lose your luck/favor.

You unable to remember your dreams/ you have recurring dreams about the married guy.

You become emotional and short-tempered.

People get irritated you for no valid reason.

You don’t enjoy the activities you used to enjoy.

You get depressed and have suicidal thoughts.

You become stuck in life with little or no progress.

The men you date after the married man don’t seem to last long in your life.

You feel like there is a dark cloud around you.

How to get rid of an STD

The only way is to get a spiritual cleansing. You would need to consult a reputable traditional healer/prophet  ( from an African initiated church) to get the actual instructions from your own ancestors as to what herbs/ items are needed to get rid of the dark cloud that follows you. 

Depending on the healer you consult, they will tell you what the process is especially if you had miscarriages during or after your affairs. 

And if the child/children were conceived within the affair or after the affair before the cleansing, the child would need to get cleaned as well. 

Because the child was in a womb that is tainted by negative energies. The cleansing process will not be the same for every woman, as we are all different and our ancestors don’t all have the same instructions

. So, don’t be fooled by fake healers who claim they have a one product fix-all for all. 

The cleansing can take place by the river or at home on a full moon date. It depends on the instructions you will receive. 

I know in some cases after the cleansing ceremony is done, you must take R400 and give it to a married man.

 It can be someone you know or a stranger. You just give them the money and say nothing. This is done to show remorse and to seal the deal with your own ancestors that you will never date a married man again. 

This should not be done if you still plan on dating married men as it will have even more dire consequences. 

Do it if you know you will never allow yourself to go down that route again. Now a spiritual cleansing such as this one does not come cheap. It can cost you anything from R1500 and above. 

R1500 might be a lot to pay especially if you have been experiencing financial blockages in your life and money is hard to get, since your breakup with your ex (the married man). 

Remember for every action there is a repercussion, and this is yours to bear. 

The spiritual cleansing needs to be done to appease your own ancestors, cause if they approved of what you are doing, they would have protected you

. Ancestors don’t approve of promiscuity.

But there are some cleansing rituals you can do at home just to get temporary peace (have a look at the spiritual uses of salt you are not aware of)  and to be able to get rid of the negative energy left within you and around you, while you prepare for the cleansing.

 Ask your traditional healer or prophet what can be done temporarily while you gather the money if you don’t have it, don’t just give up and accept a life of lack and no progress.

 These are the spiritual dangers of having an affair with a married man as a woman.

Check out my article on the dangers of eating in your dreams.

May you find healing and never look back



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