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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Lessons learnt from watching Dloz’lam

Dloz lam

Thembi Nyathi is a South African psychic medium. She has a t.v show that airs every Tuesday at 22:00 on Moja Love TV on DSTV channel 157. 

Through channeling the spirits of their loved ones, Sesi Thembi helps families find clarity, closure, and healing. With every episode, we get lessons that will empower us in our daily and spiritual lives. 

Therefore there are lessons learnt from watching Dloz’lam.

 I believe as a nation we have the privileged to watch this amazing woman’s gift grow from strength to strength.

Below in no order are the 5 lessons learnt from watching Dloz’lam.

 And please see my number one recommendation of how you can manifest abundance into your life if you are over 30 years and still don't know your purpose.

Our ancestors are not demons

In one of the episodes, we met Antoinette. A young lady that wanted to connect with her father. Her father had committed suicide while in prison. 

We then learn that their ancestor is in fact the ones who drove Antoinette’s father to commit suicide because they were not happy with the life choices he made while he was alive. 

They reveal that he was a practicing Satanist and had raped his own child amongst other horrid things he did. 

They did not approve of his ways, so they took him away. This was confirmed by Antionette who then told sesi Thembi that she and her dad used to attend a satanic church. 

There they drank human blood and ate the brains of foetuses of women who had abortions. Antoinette’s ancestors said her father will never be an ancestor to them because he had committed too many sins. 

If our ancestors were indeed demons, they would have embraced Antoinette's dad's ways and protected and encouraged him, but they did not, in fact, they removed him from this world because they saw he was on the wrong path and causing pain and havoc and shaming them.


The importance of using the correct surname.

Several families have come on to the show, complaining that they lack abundance and progress in their lives. And their ancestors would tell them they are using the wrong surnames.

 In essence, if you are born out of wedlock you use your mother's surname. And if you are born in wedlock you use your father's surname.

 If your father paid lobola but not all marriage rituals were completed, you need to be using your mother's surname till such a time all rituals to bring the ancestors together are completed by both families.

 If for some reason you were born in wedlock and your parents get divorced then your mother remarries, you should keep your father’s surname.

Your mother can change her surname but not you. And if your parents were given the wrong surname by their parents then it will still affect you as you are carrying the wrong surname. 

You would need to retrace your family tree and fix the errors of the past.


 Not all spiritually gifted people are meant to be sangomas.

Yes, it is true we all have spiritual gifts but not all require each one to go and get initiated and become a traditional healer. 

We are all called for different purposes. And healing happens in various ways and in various spaces depending on the gift you are given. 

Bulelwa (Ep 23) was given the gift of healing from her late grandfather, but not to heal to become a sangoma as she has once been told by those, she consulted prior.

Her gift is to become a medical doctor. That is what her ancestors gifted her with.


Abortions, miscarriages, and stillborn babies

In more than one episode the ancestors have made it noticeably clear that they are against abortions. 

And that you might have aborted the fetus in this world, but babies’ spirit still grows spiritually,

 I guess these factors in with science. 

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. 

The fortunate thing is there are rituals that can be done to appease the ancestors and the spirit of the child that got terminated. 

This includes miscarriages and those babies who were stillborn. 

A spiritual cleansing needs to be conducted, the babies a then given names and then released into the spirit world where they will stay under the care of our ancestors. 

Therefore, a woman cannot use terminating pregnancies, as a form of contraception.

 See the spiritual dangers of dating a married man as a woman.

Visiting the graves of our loved ones and informing them of what is happening in our lives

Yes, this is important, we cannot expect to live the best life meanwhile the graves of those who loved and took care of us are in a bad state.

 We need to have regular visits to their gravesites. 

And it is also particularly important to talk with them and let them know of whatever challenges we face, or the great news we have, and about the births of new babies born. 

Our ancestors might not be with u in the flesh, but they are with us in spirit. 

And even though they know about everything going on around us. Going to their graves is just a sign of respect and to show them that we acknowledge and respect them.

Beware of scammers impersonating Thembi Nyathi. She is not available on any social media platforms. If you would like to get in touch with her for a reading contact Moja Love TV

Let us know your own lessons learnt from watching Dloz lam. and how has the show helped you in your own life?

To book a dream interpretations, egg cleansings clarifications session and to purchase our products contact you. 

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