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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Using salt and vinegar to see your enemies!

Using salt and vinegar to see who is bewitching you has been trending for a while now on various social media platforms.

 People don’t seem to understand that there is a particular way this should be done and that there are negative effects. 

Imagine seeing that the mother you love dearly is the one responsible for your multiple miscarriages and the destruction of your marriage. This destroys a person.

 Another thing is people seem to think they will get results in a day or two, and this is false. 

So today I will be sharing the correct way of using salt and vinegar to see your enemies.

surpriced man

Just a quick note!

You can use salt and vinegar to draw out negativity in your life and be able to see, who has been targeting you with bad witchcraft. 

And see those who are jealous of you and don’t want to see your progress. 

Family curses passed on from generation to generation can also be revealed to you.

 If you don’t want to know if your partner is cheating on you, then don’t use this. As many people have been able to see who their partners were cheating on them with after using the salt and vinegar method. 

Also, if you know you are not brave enough or your heart or mind won’t be able to take in the truth that will get revealed to you about your friends and loved ones then take away from using salt and vinegar to see who your enemies.

Rather contact me for your dream interpretation or to get an egg cleansing reading.

Make sure there are no children sleeping with you on that bed when you use salt and vinegar mixture because they will have awfully bad nightmares which will affect them badly.


Know that if you are seeing a particular person in a dream, they too can see you. 

And they know that you have seen them. And who knows how they will retaliate spiritually. 

This is not to scare you, but to tell the truth, if you are spiritually weak and have no confidence in yourself, you must stay away from this at all cost.

The correct way to use salt and vinegar to see your enemies!

What you will need!

1) A white glass bowl/clear white bowl (do not use a colored bowl)

2) Brown Vinegar

3) Coarse sea salt (Charged with prayer)

4) White cloth/white headwrap/White pillowcase


Make sure you cleanse yourself by having a salt bath using the salt you charged with prayer.

Take your bowl and add two handfuls of salt and pour in about 2 cups of vinegar. 

While holding the salt and vinegar bowl speak into and ask God and your ancestors to reveal to you all those who wish you harm.

 Ask to see their faces and to know them by name.

Then take the bowl with the salt and vinegar and place it under your bed, where it will not be disturbed for 7 days.

Put the white cloth under your pillow, if it is a head wrap then tie it on your head and sleep with it, or just sleep on your pillow with a white pillowcase. 

What might happen to you during the 7 days!

Everyone's experience might be different. So if you do not experience any of the things I listed below, it ok.

 That does not mean it did not work. 

Be vigilant about the activities happening to you in your life.

 I know one someone who started seeing worms in the lunch box her best friend used to bring her and others at work. 

She did not connect it to the salt and vinegar method they used. Only later on.

  • You may have very intense dreams, where you can see one or more people and the wicked things being done to you. Without you knowing. Normally these people won’t look you in the eyes the next day.

  • It can happen that you wake up in the middle of the night and be in a trance and see people around you are doing all sorts of mischievous things. It will be like you are watching a movie play out right Infront of your eyes, but you are unable to move or talk.


  • You might have no dreams, but you notice someone will just out of the blue start quarreling or fighting you for no reason. 

  • Certain people or a particular person will start accusing you of witchcraft, boloi.

  • You might start witnessing a certain cat or dog following you around and when you chase it, it will run back to the yard of the person who sent it to you.

  • Or you will get a call from someone and they ask you which church you are now attending. Or they pretend to have a huge problem out of the blue and they ask you to take them to the church or healer you are using. 

  • Certain people you were close to will distance themselves from you in that 7-day period, they will want nothing to do with you, and then afterward come back to you as if nothing happened.

If you are staying in a household where bad witchcraft is being practiced, for example, your landlord, your family members will kick you out of the house. 

No one likes it when people see what they do in the shadows of the night.

If you decide to use salt and vinegar to see your enemies send me an email and let me know what you discovered.

Sending you love and light!



1 comment:

  1. Thikozani.

    Can I pit it next to me every night and move it to keep it safe during the night? I sleep on a couch and I can't put the bowl under the couch
