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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Why you should not be eating in your dreams

Eating in your dreams

If you are constantly dreaming of being given food by people you know or those you don’t know, you need to start being spiritually alert because it is not good. This is a way your enemies use to destroy you. This is why you should not be eating in your dreams.

Through eating in your dreams, people who can make use of dark forces are able to send you things such as sejeso, isichitho, tokoloshe, isilwane, and other bad things depending on what their intentions are. Click here to find out how to see who your enemies are. 

These wicked people are so clever, they will use the images of people you trust and love to in your dreams so that you accept and eat the food.  Also, look at how you can attract good luck and more customers into your business here.

Eating in your dreams

If you are constantly eating in your dream you will start experiencing bad luck, disappointment, failure, financial blockages, and no progress at all in your life. 

You will also not be remembering your dreams and feel tired and unmotivated. In other cases, you start to develop an awfully bad rash on your skin that is very itchy, or you become easily manipulated by certain people. Some are unable to conceive or find life partners. This is why you should not eat in your dreams.

Eating in your dreams

If you are not strong spiritually and have no relationship with your ancestors /your spirit guides, then you are in big trouble. 

You will honestly start to believe you are cursed because everything you touch will be destroyed. Those who are spiritually strong can see the food being presented to them in the dream and slap it/throw it away. Some even see themselves throwing the food on the floor and stomping on it.

 Those who can see the face of the person who was trying to bewitch them, know the next day if they should see that particular person, that person won't look them in the eyes. I really hope you now understand, why you should not be eating in your dreams,

So what can you do, to stop eating in your dreams

The method I am going to share with you is the most effective method and if you have been eating your dreams for a while now, it will help you break the hold the people who are bewitching y have over you and neutralise all that has been sent to you.

 But remember without your prayer this will not work.  If you are a reader of the bible pray using psalm 32 on the days, you will be using this method. If you don’t use the bible, it ok. Read what you are comfortable with.

Eating in your dreams


In the morning when you wake up this must be before 5 am. 

Take your first urine and pour it into a container or clean bucket. Then drink some of that urine (about 3 tablespoons full). 

Should you feel the need to throw up after drinking your urine, please don't resist it as you might be vomiting the bad omens sent, to you.

 Then take your normal bath with soap and then run a second bath and pour about half a cup of your left-over urine into that water.

 If you know you are not going out in public on that day you can pour in all the urine you passed. 

Then get into the water and ask God, and your ancestors to banish all evil that has been sent to you, and that your eye must be always opened even when you sleep so you are able to differentiate between good and evil. And that whatever has been sent to you should be sent back to its sender.


Doing this will have dire consequences for you. So just ask for protection and that whatever evil being sent to you must return to its sender today. 

 Do this cleansing once a week, in your first month then once a month just so when your enemies come to check up on you at night, they find you alert.

Please read the importance of having weekly spiritual baths here

For dream interpretations or egg cleansing interpretations please contact us here for a booking. 



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