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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spiritual uses of salt you might not be aware off

Salt is the only rock we consume; it brings life and prevents decay. It is also used for protection within our homes and to maintain harmony.

 In all the remedies I provide below pure course sea salt should be used. Please pray over the salt before you use it, so all intent can be achieved. Action without intent is futile. 

We need to speak things into existence using what nature gave us.

 There are many spiritual uses of salt, that you may not be aware of. Below I have listed 6.


Remove darkness, bad muthi, evil spirits, and bad luck with a salt bath!

Make cleansing salt by mixing 1 packet of salt, ground black peppercorn, thyme, and a few drops of virgin olive oil. 

Then take your (bible over the salt use psalm 46) if you don’t read the bible then jut pray and ask God to bless the salt. 

Use about a handful of the cleansing salt in clean water to rinse your body after you have had your bath with soap.

 It will help you have clear dreams and help you ward off evil and bad luck. 

Use this salt 2 - 4 times a week depending on your life challenges. It’s a known fact that salt overpowers bad muti. 

People who use muti for evil never add salt as an item in their concussions cause they know it will weaken the effect of that muti. 

They know the spiritual uses of salt that you not aware of.


Charge your candles!

Before using your candles for prayer or lighting them in your home, rinse them in saltwater to eliminate any negative energy that was transferred to them prior to you purchasing them.

 This is done so the candles can be able to materialize whatever intent you will use them for.

Prevent pointless fights and arguments in the home!

If you and your spouse or children are constantly having heated arguments or you constantly fight even over ridiculously small matters that should not cause friction, then do the following.

Take a clear glass or clear glass container and pour about a handful of salt inside.

Then pour some white vinegar onto the salt, and onto the vinegar pour water. 

You can make the water and vinegar in equal quantities depending on how big your glass or container is.

Place this solution uncovered somewhere in your home where no one will disturb it for 7 days. This will draw out any negative energies and your home will feel lighter.

 After 7 days pour out the mixture. Make sure none of the water spills on your hands or on the floor when you pour it out. Do this once every month. 

Money wallet!

Salt draws in abundance. Pour a bit of course salt in your wallet, or the container you use to keep your money in for business to attract more money. 

It will also weaken bad money given to you to destroy you.  This will also help those who are never able to keep money in their hands for long. I

n this case, I recommend you also use our good luck oil or your own home-made luck oil on your hands regularly.

To get employment, pass job interviews, and attract business opportunities!

You might roll your eyes, but it works. I have had many positive feedbacks from my clients who use this mixture I am about to give you. 

It helps you attract good opportunities and it also gives you mental clarity, confidence and destroys spiritual obstructions.

Even if you are going to write some form of test like a driver’s test (this would assist you if you prepared but won’t give you the information you need to learn, so please prepare). 

Take an empty clean container with a lid, pour about two teaspoons of course salt. Add 3 teaspoons of unadulterated honey and half a teaspoon of virgin olive oil.

Mix them together into a paste using your middle finger on the right. Then speak into the container and ask through prayer for that job you seek, that your CV must land in the right hands, or you must find favor when you go to your job interview.  

Then place a little bit of mixture into your mouth, every day before you go job hunting on or offline line. Make sure you use your right middle finger. 

Clearly see who your enemies are!

Unfortunately, this one is a bit tricky because in most cases, the people who wish you bad and spiritually attack you, are in most cases those close to your heart.

 Please refer to my article on How to correctly use salt and vinegar to see your enemies. 

I need you to read the instructions and what to expect carefully before you do this. Sometimes we are never ready to see what we seek.

 To protect your home pour salt and Florida into the water and use it to clean your house and sprinkle some of the water around your house for protection against evil. And to invite positive energy.

Once you know the power of salt, you will never fear anything.

I am glad you now know some of the spiritual benefits of salt that you were not aware of.

See my number one recommendation for people who are over 30 years and still don't know their purpose or how to make money here.



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