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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

How to attract good luck and customers into your business

Attracting customers

 Use this simple home solution to attract good luck and customers into your business. This can be used by anyone who has a business and is unable to attract customers, regardless of their religious beliefs. We are using natural ingredients that have been provided by nature.

 This solution will not make you rich overnight. But it will help you get rid of negative energy in the space that doesn’t want to see you prosper.

 So you can follow the instructions below to attract good luck and customers into your business.

 It's not everyone that smiles with you that loves you. Some people come to you, not to support your business but to steal your blessing. 

None of the solutions I provide will work for you if you do not charge them with your own energy. What I mean is you should pray and ask God and your ancestors to guide, help, protect and favor you. 

If you believe in Jesus, Buda, The Divine, Mother Nature whoever you believe in, calling upon them to help you and believe it is done. 

If you are a reader of the bible you can read psalm 40 for the 3 days, you use this solution.

How to attract customers

Make sure you use unadulterated honey and not the pasteurized honey for this to have maximum effect. Pasteurized honey will not work for this solution.  

And if you are unable to get holy ash, leave it out and use the other items. 

What you will need to attract good luck and customers into your business!

Container with lid

12  teaspoons of Unadulterated honey

1 Crushed Camphor block/tablet

7 teaspoons Klim powder milk (any other powder milk of your choice)

2 teaspoons of holy ash

Pour all the above ingredients into your container and use your right middle index finger on your right hand to mix into a paste.

  You are going to use this paste to wash with it for 3 days. So, make sure the container used has a lid that closes. Store the mixture away from the sunlight. This solution is not for consumption.


After you have had your normal bath in the morning, pour clean warm water again into your bath and add some of the paste into the water. 

While you're in the bath speak into the water. Ask that luck and all thing good must happen into your life and that no negative energies must block you from succeeding, ask that customers/clients with money must come into your business. or whatever deals that you are currently working with must materialize. 

Do this for 3 days in a row, without skipping any days. If you are a woman and it happens you get your period while you are busy with this cleansing bath, do not stop carry on with it. 

Try to bathe with the paste at the same time if you can.

If you have a physical store or use your home for your business double the ingredients above and use some of the paste to mop with for 3 days. 

For those that run an online business, or they walk around selling to people, just use it to bathe, and after bathing instead of using your regular body lotion make use of aloe vera lucky oil/gel.

If you are using your car to transport people you can also double the ingredients above and burn some of the paste in your car at night you can do this using hot coal (pour the paste onto hot burning coal which you will place on a brick or saucer, so the coal does not burn the floor of your car).

Ensure all windows are closed when you burn the paste and leave the windows closed. Open the windows early in the morning before you start transporting people.

 If you are not able to use coal, then you a paraffin stove or mini gas stove to burn the paste.

By doing this, you will attract good luck and customers into your business!

If you need help getting any of the above ingredients, or have any questions feel free to comment with your question or contact us.



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