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Monday, February 8, 2021

Dreams that show you are spiritually gifted

10 Signs You Might Be Spiritually Gifted

Have you ever felt like you don't quite fit into the mold of the people around you? Like you're different, perhaps even weird? It's possible that you're spiritually gifted and simply haven't tapped into your unique abilities yet. In this quick read, we'll explore 10 signs that might indicate you possess spiritual gifts and how understanding them can transform your life.

1. Recurring Dreams about Water:

If you often find yourself immersed in dreams involving water – swimming, rivers, pools, or the sea – your subconscious might be trying to tell you something. Water dreams are often associated with spiritual awakening and cleansing. Pay attention to these recurring themes as they could be your mind's way of signaling your spiritual gifts.

2. Classroom Dreams:

Dreams of being in a classroom, late for an exam, or wearing a school uniform could signify a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. These dreams often hint at lessons to be learned or a calling to explore your spiritual gifts more deeply.

3. Chasing Dreams:

If you frequently dream of being chased by snakes or other animals, it might be a symbolic representation of the challenges or obstacles you need to overcome. Facing these fears head-on can lead to the discovery of your spiritual gifts.

4. Traditional Clothing Dreams:

Dreams involving traditional clothes or ritualistic beads being given to you could be your subconscious introducing you to your spiritual heritage. Embrace these symbols, as they may hold clues to your unique gifts.


5. Extrasensory Experiences:

Not everyone is a dreamer, but if you regularly experience sensations like hearing music or drumming that others can't, it could be a sign of heightened spiritual sensitivity. Trust your senses and explore these moments further.

6. Early Morning Wake-Ups:

Waking up regularly between 2 and 3 am is often associated with spiritual awakening. During these hours, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is said to be thinner. Pay attention to your thoughts during these early morning awakenings; they might hold valuable insights.

7. Emotional Outbursts:

Feeling an overwhelming urge to be alone, accompanied by unexplained crying, can be a release of pent-up spiritual energy. Embrace these moments of solitude as they can lead to a deeper understanding of your spiritual self.

8. Presence during Prayer:

If you sense a presence or hear voices while praying, don't be alarmed. This could be a sign that your prayers are connecting you with spiritual entities. Embrace the experience and allow it to guide you on your spiritual journey.

9. Premonitions and Visions:

Experiencing visions or dreams that later manifest in real life is a classic indicator of spiritual gifts. Trust your intuition and explore ways to harness this unique ability for your benefit and the well-being of others.                                                       

10. Attracting Strangers' Stories:

If strangers are drawn to share their personal problems with you, it could be because your spiritual energy provides comfort and understanding. Use this gift to offer support and guidance to those who seek it.


If you resonate with two or more of these signs, congratulations – you might be spiritually gifted! Embrace your unique abilities, explore them further, and turn what could be perceived as a burden into a profound blessing. Your spiritual journey awaits, filled with untapped potential and transformative experiences. Unlock the power within you and watch as your life takes on new meaning and purpose.

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